Monday, March 31, 2014

Super Happy Fun Times.

I've been getting some good rides in with my buddy Joe who will be rolling down the Maah Daah Hey trail with me later this year. We are trying to get some more substantial miles in our legs for the upcoming trip. In addition to that I'll be on my bike a lot more as I am moving back to Minneapolis! I scored an internship with the city of Minneapolis and it sounds like I'll have no problems bike commuting to this job. That makes me very, very happy.

Yesterday was the 30 days of biking kick off ride. I had a really good time. I heard a few complaints about it being a slow ride but there was 260(+/-) people there. When you have that many folks, it is not going to ever be a "fast" ride. Despite that, it seemed like everyone had a good time. I was a ride marshal so I was sprinting up and down the line trying to make sure cars didn't take us out. I had a lot of fun doing it and people were being very kind and grateful. I got to meet so many new friendly folks and saw a lot of familiar faces. To some people these rides don't sound appealing for one reason or another but you should honestly go to one of them at least once. The positive vibe of the event was very uplifting. There is something about that many people of all walks of life congregating to ride bikes together that just makes you feel good. From old folks to young kiddos in trailers or trail-a-bikes, fair weather cyclists to hardcore riders, ti mountain bikes to the oldest most beat up Schwinn you can think of, we had it all and it was great. We have a pretty special thing here in Minneapolis, don't take it for granted! I didn't have time to take pictures really but you can find them all over the place. If you have Facebook just search #30daysofbiking

That is all I got for now. Be well.

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