Picture of the day: More ducks, these ducks got up real close to me so I gave them some of the crust from my PB & J.
Friday, January 27, 2012
I once was lost but then realized I was reading my map wrong...
I took my bike on the bus to school again yesterday. Once I arrived at the Brooklyn Center Transit Center I decided I didn't want to wait another 30 minutes for the bus and then an additional 20 for the bus to get me to my location so I took off on my bicycle. Brooklyn Park/Center is a confusing area to me. Mostly because Brooklyn Blvd cuts diagonal through both of them, kind of like St Paul and 7th. Any way, I got super lost because I was reading the map on my phone incorrectly and also I didn't have the satellite gps enabled so it kept telling me I was somewhere I was not. Well after I was already late for class I figured out the way. I made it to school with about 5 minutes left of class. So I turned around and rode home. It was a nice day but again my thoughts are on different bicycles, such as the kind with fat tires. I am really just thinking of winterizing my road bike a little more or something because I want to commute still but riding 30+ miles on this single speed is just brutal.